Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ledger's Joker continues to be biggest thief in the 'Knight'

With the release of even more creepy images showing Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in this summer's upcoming film, "The Dark Knight," he has yet again stolen the show from his co-stars and added hype to what is said to possibly be his best performance.

In one film still, Ledger is dressed in a white nurse's uniform, holding a gun and wearing a surgical mask.In another, with his painted face exposed with The Joker's evil grin in red, he aims his gun straight at the camera.

"Heath was an incredible actor and he brought a very, very scary Joker to life," said Bale. "Heath shocked us as The Joker and his death shocked all of us."

Ledger's role as The Joker is said to be his greatest performance, creatting early buzz that he could be nominated for an Academy award.

The Batman movie, being heavily promoted heavily with Ledger as the iconic sociopathic, psychotic villain, hit theaters in U.S. on July 18.

For the entire story click here

Heath Ledger remembered in Joker pics

New Photos of the Joker from 'The Dark Knight'

New Heath Ledger 'Joker' Pics Emerge

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